August 31, 2023
Cybersecurity Basics: How to Create a Strong Password
Passwords—you use them every day. And let’s face it: people don’t want to forget their passwords so they tend to use a password that’s easy to remember. Using a numeric birthday or even “mikaylalovescats” might not be as secure as you might have hoped. As technology continuously evolves, it calls on us to change too. […]
May 10, 2023
Update Your Software! and Other Things Your IT Company Wants You to Know
Small and medium-sized businesses have a lot to juggle on their own. Supply chain, fulfilling orders, sticking to a budget, not to mention cybersecurity. Cybersecurity measures must constantly change and adapt to be able to keep up with new hackers and technology. There are some basic things you can do to keep your business protected—that […]
February 22, 2023
5 Simple Cybersecurity Tools Your Small Business Needs
Mastering the ins and outs of cybersecurity for your Oklahoma business can be a bit like learning a foreign language—it can feel intimidating and overwhelming. But just as mastering a new language takes the right strategies, so does building up your small business’ cybersecurity in Oklahoma. Just like learning any difficult skill, it’s important to […]
December 29, 2022
How Multifactor Authentication Protects Your Business
Every industry has simple inventions that just make life better: duct tape, post-it notes, the seat belt. For the IT industry, multifactor authentication (MFA) is the most recent game-changing cybersecurity example. The internet is still basically the Wild Wild West and businesses need better ways to keep their data secure. MFA does just that. MFA: […]
November 21, 2022
AntiVirus is Not Enough: 7 Ways to Keep Your Business Safe from Cyberattacks
When you’ve got a nasty cold, taking some medicine is great, and it’ll probably help you feel better. But if you don’t get enough sleep or if you continue to expose yourself to germs, that virus is going to stick around. Your data isn’t much different! You can have all of the antivirus software in […]