January 26, 2023

How to Save Money and Optimize Your IT Budget in 2023

Small businesses in Oklahoma have taken a hit from inflation—you’ve probably noticed it in your trips to the grocery store and to buy gas. But the most important place that inflation has crept in? Your own business. If prices have been crawling (or leaping) up on you the last year, you may be feeling tempted […]

January 4, 2023

Everything You Need to Know About Disaster Recovery Plans

We’re not doomsday preppers over here at iTology, but when it comes to data breaches, we work by the phrase “not if but when.” Small businesses receive over 350% more social engineering attacks than corporations and it’s not hard to guess why cybercriminals are targeting them—47% of companies with less than 50 employees have no […]

December 29, 2022

How Multifactor Authentication Protects Your Business

Every industry has simple inventions that just make life better: duct tape, post-it notes, the seat belt. For the IT industry, multifactor authentication (MFA) is the most recent game-changing cybersecurity example. The internet is still basically the Wild Wild West and businesses need better ways to keep their data secure. MFA does just that. MFA: […]

November 28, 2022

How Outsourced IT Saves You Money

A complicated part of being a business owner is the balancing act of being profitable while still giving your customers the best possible service. You’ve probably realized that running a business is so much more than offering a product or service that you’re passionate about—it’s about investing the necessary time and resources to make sure […]

November 21, 2022

AntiVirus is Not Enough: 7 Ways to Keep Your Business Safe from Cyberattacks

When you’ve got a nasty cold, taking some medicine is great, and it’ll probably help you feel better. But if you don’t get enough sleep or if you continue to expose yourself to germs, that virus is going to stick around. Your data isn’t much different! You can have all of the antivirus software in […]

October 24, 2022

Cybersecurity Trends to Look for in 2023

Cybersecurity is a little bit like sports. Each side—the business owners and the cybercriminals—is trying to outdo the other. Hackers will develop a new way to steal sensitive information, and businesses will counter it by implementing better defenses. It’s a constant game of cat and mouse but thankfully, businesses are constantly upping their game. And […]

October 24, 2022

5 Tips for Recognizing Phishing Scams

Even though phishing scams are one of the original cybercrimes, hackers are always finding new ways to disguise them and sneak past your defenses. And since human error—which causes about 82% of data breaches—is the main culprit in phishing scams, it’s important to recognize all the tips and tricks used by these “phishers” of data. […]

October 13, 2022

What is VoIP and Why Does Your Business Need it?

Almost as a prerequisite for success in business, effective communication is something that can often be overlooked or dismissed. Clear communication with your employees, clients, and other businesses can be a measure of how much you’ll be able to grow and sustain lasting relationships. Over the years, technology has allowed important communication to take place […]

October 13, 2022

How Often Should You Be Backing Up Your Computer?

Have you ever put your heart and soul into a project and then had your computer crash? Even if you haven’t, you can imagine the stomach-drop feeling that would come from having to start from scratch after days, maybe even weeks, of work. Most of us have been there, or at least know someone who […]

September 20, 2022

5 Questions to Ask Before Hiring an IT Provider

Technology is a huge part of modern business, and if you’re not using the latest and greatest tools, you’re at a disadvantage. That’s why it’s important to hire an IT provider who can help your business stay up-to-date and competitive. But with so many providers out there, how do you know which one is right […]